stateObservation::KineticsObserver Class Reference

This observer estimates the kinematics, the external forces, the bias on the gyrometers measurements, and the contacts forces and pose. More...

#include <state-observation/dynamics-estimators/kinetics-observer.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for stateObservation::KineticsObserver:
Collaboration diagram for stateObservation::KineticsObserver:


struct  AbsoluteOriSensor
struct  AbsolutePoseSensor
struct  Contact
struct  IMU
struct  Opt
 a structure to optimize computations More...
struct  Sensor

Public Types

typedef kine::Kinematics Kinematics
typedef kine::LocalKinematics LocalKinematics
typedef kine::Orientation Orientation

Public Member Functions

Constructors and destructors
 KineticsObserver (unsigned maxContacts=4, unsigned maxNumberOfIMU=1)
 Construct a new Kinetics Observer. More...
virtual ~KineticsObserver ()
 Destroy the Kinetics Observer. More...
Setting and getting parameters

For initialization and update of parameters that should not evolve over time on a sample basis.

double getSamplingTime () const
 Get the Sampling Time. More...
void setSamplingTime (double)
 Set the Sampling Time. More...
void setWithUnmodeledWrench (bool b=true)
 Set if the unmodeled and unmeasured external wrench should be estimated. More...
void setWithAccelerationEstimation (bool b=true)
 Sets if the estimation computes also the accelerations. More...
bool getWithAccelerationEstimation () const
 Returns if the estimation computes also the accelerations. More...
void setWithGyroBias (bool b=true)
 Set if the gyrometers bias is computed or not. This parameter is global for all the IMUs. More...
void setMass (double)
 Set the total mass of the robot. This can be changed online. More...
double getMass () const
 Returns the mass of the robot. More...
const IndexedMatrix3getInertiaMatrix () const
 Returns the global inertia matrix of the robot at the center of mass. More...
const IndexedMatrix3getInertiaMatrixDot () const
 Returns the derivative of the global inertia matrix of the robot at the center of mass. More...
const IndexedVector3getAngularMomentum () const
 Returns the angular momentum of the robot at the center of mass. More...
const IndexedVector3getAngularMomentumDot () const
 Returns the derivative of the angular momentum of the robot at the center of mass. More...
const IndexedVector3getCenterOfMass () const
 Returns the position of the CoM of the robot in the user frame. More...
const IndexedVector3getCenterOfMassDot () const
 Returns the linear velocity of the CoM of the robot in the user frame. More...
const IndexedVector3getCenterOfMassDotDot () const
 Returns the linear acceleration of the CoM of the robot in the user frame. More...
Vector6 getAdditionalWrench () const
 Returns the input additional wrench, expressed in the centroid frame. More...
Setting kinematic sensors

These are the methods to be called at each iteration to give the control inputs and the sensor measurement for IMUs and absolute pose sensors. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Index setIMU (const Vector3 &accelero, const Vector3 &gyrometer, const Kinematics &userImuKinematics, Index num=-1)
 Set the measurements of an IMU and give the Kinematic of the IMU in the user frame. More...
Index setIMU (const Vector3 &accelero, const Vector3 &gyrometer, const Matrix3 &acceleroCov, const Matrix3 &gyroCov, const Kinematics &userImuKinematics, Index num=-1)
 Provides also the associated covariance matrices More...
void setIMUDefaultCovarianceMatrix (const Matrix3 &acceleroCov, const Matrix3 &gyroCov)
 set the default covariance matrix for IMU. More...
void setAbsolutePoseSensor (const Kinematics &measurement)
 Set an Absolute Pose Sensor measurement The measurement is the kinematics namely position and orientation of the observed frame in the global frame. More...
void setAbsolutePoseSensor (const Kinematics &measurement, const Matrix6 &CovarianceMatrix)
 Set an Absolute Pose Sensor measurement The measurement is the kinematics namely position and orientation of the observed frame in the global frame. More...
void setAbsolutePoseSensorDefaultCovarianceMatrix (const Matrix6 &covMat)
 Set the Absolute Pose Sensor Default Covariance Matrix. More...
void setAbsoluteOriSensor (const Orientation &measurement)
 Set an Absolute Orientation Sensor measurement The measurement is the orientation of the observed frame in the global frame. More...
void setAbsoluteOriSensor (const Orientation &measurement, const Matrix3 &CovarianceMatrix)
 Set an Absolute Orientation Sensor measurement The measurement is the orientation of the observed frame in the global frame. More...
void setAbsoluteOriSensorDefaultCovarianceMatrix (const Matrix3 &covMat)
 Set the Absolute Orientation Sensor Default Covariance Matrix. More...
Adding, managing and deleting contacts

This class does NOT detect new contacts with the environment. Use these classes instead. Call these only when a new contact is created or removed from the environment, otherwise the contacts will remain the same at each new iteration.

Index addContact (const Kinematics &pose, const Matrix12 &initialCovarianceMatrix, const Matrix12 &processCovarianceMatrix, Index contactNumber=-1, const Matrix3 &linearStiffness=Matrix3::Constant(-1), const Matrix3 &linearDamping=Matrix3::Constant(-1), const Matrix3 &angularStiffness=Matrix3::Constant(-1), const Matrix3 &angularDamping=Matrix3::Constant(-1))
 Set a new contact with the environment. More...
Index addContact (const Kinematics &pose, Index contactNumber=-1, const Matrix3 &linearStiffness=Matrix3::Constant(-1), const Matrix3 &linearDamping=Matrix3::Constant(-1), const Matrix3 &angularStiffness=Matrix3::Constant(-1), const Matrix3 &angularDamping=Matrix3::Constant(-1))
 Set a new contact with the environment (use default covariance matrices) More...
void removeContact (Index contactnbr)
 Remove a contact. More...
void clearContacts ()
 remove all the contacts More...
Index getNumberOfSetContacts () const
 Get the Current Number Of Contacts. More...
std::vector< IndexgetListOfContacts () const
 Get the List Of Contact ids. More...
Updating contact information

Calling one of the two following methods (updateContactWithWrenchSensor() and updateContactWithNoSensor()) is MANDATORY for every contact and at every iteration.

void updateContactWithNoSensor (const Kinematics &localKine, unsigned contactNumber)
 Update the contact when it is NOT equipped with wrench sensor. More...
void updateContactWithWrenchSensor (const Vector6 &wrenchMeasurement, const Kinematics &localKine, unsigned contactNumber)
 Update the contact when it is equipped with wrench sensor. More...
void updateContactWithWrenchSensor (const Vector6 &wrenchMeasurement, const Matrix6 &wrenchCovMatrix, const Kinematics &localKine, unsigned contactNumber)
 Update the contact when it is equipped with wrench sensor. More...
void setContactWrenchSensorDefaultCovarianceMatrix (const Matrix6 &wrenchSensorCovMat)
 Set the Contact Wrench Sensor Default Covariance Matrix. More...
Setting additional inputs to the dynamical system

It is highly recommended to set these inputs at each iteration ////////////////////////////////////////////////

void setCenterOfMass (const Vector3 &com, const Vector3 &com_dot, const Vector3 &com_dot_dot)
 Set the Center Of Mass kinematics expressed in the user frame. More...
void setCenterOfMass (const Vector3 &com, const Vector3 &com_dot)
 Set the Center Of Mass kinematics expressed in the user frame. More...
void setCenterOfMass (const Vector3 &com)
 Set the Center Of Mass kinematics expressed in the user frame. More...
void setCoMInertiaMatrix (const Matrix3 &I, const Matrix3 &I_dot)
 Set the 3x3 inertia matrix and its derivative expressed in the user frame. More...
void setCoMInertiaMatrix (const Matrix3 &I)
 Set the 3x3 inertia matrix expressed in the user frame. More...
void setCoMInertiaMatrix (const Vector6 &I, const Vector6 &I_dot)
 Set the inertia matrix and its derivative as a Vector6 expressed in the user frame. More...
void setCoMInertiaMatrix (const Vector6 &I)
 Set the inertia matrix as a Vector6 expressed in the user frame. More...
void setCoMAngularMomentum (const Vector3 &sigma, const Vector3 &sigma_dot)
 Set the Angular Momentum around the CoM and its derviative expressed in the user frame. More...
void setCoMAngularMomentum (const Vector3 &sigma)
 Set the Angular Momentum around the CoM expressed in the user frame. More...
void setAdditionalWrench (const Vector3 &force, const Vector3 &torque)
 Set any Additional resultant known wrench (e.g. measured external forces and moments but no contact ones) expressed in the local estimated frame. More...
Running and getting the estimations


void updateMeasurements ()
 Updates the measurements. More...
const Vectorupdate ()
 Runs the estimation. More...
void convertWrenchFromUserToCentroid (const Vector3 &forceUserFrame, const Vector3 &momentUserFrame, Vector3 &forceCentroidFrame, Vector3 &momentCentroidFrame)
 Returns the predicted Kinematics object of the centroid in the world frame at the time of the measurement predictions. More...
LocalKinematics getLocalCentroidKinematics () const
 Get the estimated local Kinematics of the centroid frame in the world frame (local, which means expressed in the centroid frame). More...
Kinematics getGlobalCentroidKinematics () const
 Get the estimated Kinematics of the centroid frame in the world frame. More...
LocalKinematics estimateAccelerations ()
 gets the Kinematics that include the linear and angular accelerations. More...
LocalKinematics getLocalKinematicsOf (const Kinematics &userBodyKine)
 Get the local kinematics of a given frame (in the user frame) in the centroid frame. More...
Kinematics getGlobalKinematicsOf (const Kinematics &userBodyKin) const
 Get the global kinematics of a given frame (in the user frame) in the centroid frame. More...
Vector6 getContactWrench (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the Estimated Contact Wrench This is useful in the case of uncertain wrench sensors or when contact force measurement is not available. More...
Kinematics getContactPosition (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the Contact 6D pose n in the global frame. More...
Vector6 getUnmodeledWrench () const
 Get the Unmodeled External Wrench (requires setWithUnmodeledWrench() to true before to update()) More...
Set values for state components


These methods allow to update some parts of the state of the system based on guesses obtained independently

void setWorldCentroidStateKinematics (const LocalKinematics &localKine, bool resetContactWrenches=true, bool resetCovariance=true)
 Set the State Kinematics. More...
void setWorldCentroidStateKinematics (const Kinematics &kine, bool resetCovariance=true)
 Set the State Kinematics. More...
void setStateContact (Index index, Kinematics worldContactRestPose, const Vector6 &wrench, bool resetCovariance=true)
 Set the state contact kinematics and wrench. More...
void setGyroBias (const Vector3 &, unsigned numberOfIMU=1, bool resetCovariance=true)
 Set the Gyro Bias Allows to initializa the value of the gyro bias of the IMU corresponding to the numberOfIMU. More...
void setStateUnmodeledWrench (const Vector6 &, bool resetCovariance=true)
 Set the State Unmodeled Wrench. More...
Estimator resets

This allows to reset default values for specific parameters of the estimator

void resetSensorsDefaultCovMats ()
 Reset the default values for the sensors covariance matrices. More...
void resetInputs ()
 reset all the sensor inputs and provided contact information but keeps the contacts themselves More...
Covariance matrices operations
void setKinematicsInitCovarianceDefault (const Matrix &)
 Set the Default value for Kinematics Init Covariance. More...
void setKinematicsInitCovarianceDefault (const Matrix3 &P_pos, const Matrix3 &P_ori, const Matrix3 &P_linVel, const Matrix3 &P_angVel)
 Set the Default value for Kinematics Init Covariance. More...
void setGyroBiasInitCovarianceDefault (const Matrix3 &covMat)
 Set the Default value for Gyro Bias Init Covariance. More...
void setUnmodeledWrenchInitCovMatDefault (const Matrix6 &initCovMat)
 Set the default value for init Unmodeled Wrench covariance matrix. More...
void setContactInitCovMatDefault (const Matrix12 &contactCovMat)
 Set the default valut for the Initial Covariance Matrix of the contact in the state. More...
void setKinematicsStateCovariance (const Matrix &)
 Set the Kinematics State Covariance. More...
void setGyroBiasStateCovariance (const Matrix3 &covMat, unsigned imuNumber)
 Set the Gyro Bias State Covariance. More...
void setUnmodeledWrenchStateCovMat (const Matrix6 &newCovMat)
 Set the Unmodeled Wrench State Cov Mat. More...
void setContactStateCovMat (Index contactNbr, const Matrix12 &contactCovMat)
 Set the Contact State Covariance Matrix. More...
void setKinematicsProcessCovarianceDefault (const Matrix12 &)
 Set the default Kinematics Process Covariance. More...
void setKinematicsProcessCovarianceDefault (const Matrix3 &P_pos, const Matrix3 &P_ori, const Matrix3 &P_linVel, const Matrix3 &P_angVel)
 Set the default Kinematics Process Covariance. More...
void setGyroBiasProcessCovarianceDefault (const Matrix3 &covMat)
 Set the default Gyro Bias Process Covariance. More...
void setUnmodeledWrenchProcessCovarianceDefault (const Matrix6 &covMat)
 Set the default Unmodeled Wrench Process Covariance. More...
void setContactProcessCovarianceDefault (const Matrix12 &covMat)
 Set the default contact Process Covariance. More...
void setKinematicsProcessCovariance (const Matrix12 &)
 Set the Kinematics Process Covariance. More...
void setGyroBiasProcessCovariance (const Matrix3 &covMat, unsigned imuNumber)
 Set the Gyro Bias Process Covariance. More...
void setUnmodeledWrenchProcessCovMat (const Matrix6 &processCovMat)
 Set the Unmodeled Wrench Process Covariance Mattix. More...
void setContactProcessCovMat (Index contactNbr, const Matrix12 &contactCovMat)
 Set the Contact Process Covariance Matrix. More...
void resetStateCovarianceMat ()
 Resets the covariance matrices to their original values. More...
void resetStateKinematicsCovMat ()
void resetStateGyroBiasCovMat (Index i)
void resetStateUnmodeledWrenchCovMat ()
void resetStateContactsCovMat ()
void resetStateContactCovMat (Index contactNbr)
void resetProcessCovarianceMat ()
void resetProcessKinematicsCovMat ()
void resetProcessGyroBiasCovMat (Index i)
void resetProcessUnmodeledWrenchCovMat ()
void resetProcessContactsCovMat ()
void resetProcessContactCovMat (Index contactNbr)
State vector representation operations (advanced use)


this is constituted with

Index getStateSize () const
 Get the State Vector Size. More...
Index getStateTangentSize () const
 Get the State Vector Tangent Size. More...
Index getMeasurementSize () const
 Get the Measurement vector Size. More...
Matrix getStateCovarianceMat () const
 Get the State Covariance matrix. More...
void setStateCovarianceMat (const Matrix &P)
 Set the State Covariance Matrix This is useful in case of a setting a guess on a whole state vect9or. More...
void setProcessNoiseCovarianceMat (const Matrix &Q)
 Set the covariance matrices for the process noises. More...
const VectorgetCurrentStateVector () const
 Gets the current value of the state estimation in the form of a state vector \(\hat{x_{k}}\). More...
TimeIndex getStateVectorTimeIndex () const
 Get the State Vector Internal Time Index This is for advanced use but may be used to check how many states have been estimated up to now. More...
void setInitWorldCentroidStateVector (const Vector &initStateVector)
 Initializes the state vector. More...
void setStateVector (const Vector &newvalue, bool resetCovariance=true)
 Set a value of the state x_k provided from another source. More...
Vector getMeasurementVector ()
 Get the Measurement Vector. More...
Index kineIndex () const
 Get the kinematics index of the state vector. More...
Index posIndex () const
 Get the position index of the state vector. More...
Index oriIndex () const
 Get the orientation index of the state vector. More...
Index linVelIndex () const
 Get the linear velocity index of the state vector. More...
Index angVelIndex () const
 Get the angular velocity index of the state vector. More...
Index gyroBiasIndex (Index IMUNumber) const
 Get the gyro bias index of the state vector. More...
Index unmodeledWrenchIndex () const
 Get the unmodeled external wrench index of the state vector. More...
Index unmodeledForceIndex () const
 Get the unmodeled external linear force index of the state vector. More...
Index unmodeledTorqueIndex () const
 Get the unmodeled external torque force index of the state vector. More...
Index contactsIndex () const
 Get the index for the contact segment in the state vector. More...
Index contactIndex (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of a specific contact in the sate vector. More...
Index contactKineIndex (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the kinematics of a specific contact in the sate vector. More...
Index contactPosIndex (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the position of a specific contact in the sate vector. More...
Index contactOriIndex (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the orientation of a specific contact in the sate vector. More...
Index contactForceIndex (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the linear force of a specific contact in the sate vector. More...
Index contactTorqueIndex (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the toraue of a specific contact in the sate vector. More...
Index contactWrenchIndex (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the wrench of a specific contact in the sate vector. More...
Index kineIndexTangent () const
 Get the kinematics index of the tangent state vector. More...
Index posIndexTangent () const
 Get the position index of the tangent state vector. More...
Index oriIndexTangent () const
 Get the orientation index of the tangent state vector. More...
Index linVelIndexTangent () const
 Get the linear velocity index of the tangent state vector. More...
Index angVelIndexTangent () const
 Get the angular velocity index of the tangent state vector. More...
Index gyroBiasIndexTangent (Index IMUNumber) const
 Get the gyro bias index of the tangent state vector. More...
Index unmodeledWrenchIndexTangent () const
 Get the unmodeled external wrench index of the tangent state vector. More...
Index unmodeledForceIndexTangent () const
 Get the unmodeled external linear force index of the tangent state vector. More...
Index unmodeledTorqueIndexTangent () const
 Get the unmodeled external torque force index of the tangent state vector. More...
Index contactsIndexTangent () const
 Get the index for the contact segment in the tangent state vector. More...
Index contactIndexTangent (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector. More...
Index contactKineIndexTangent (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the kinematics of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector. More...
Index contactPosIndexTangent (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the position of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector. More...
Index contactOriIndexTangent (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the orientation of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector. More...
Index contactForceIndexTangent (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the linear force of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector. More...
Index contactTorqueIndexTangent (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the toraue of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector. More...
Index contactWrenchIndexTangent (Index contactNbr) const
 Get the index of the wrench of a specific contact in the sate tangent vector. More...
Getters for the extended Kalman filter (advanced use)
const ExtendedKalmanFiltergetEKF () const
 Gets a const reference on the extended Kalman filter. More...
ExtendedKalmanFiltergetEKF ()
Vector6 getCentroidContactWrench (Index numContact) const
 Returns the wrench exerted at the contact, expressed in the frame of the centroid. More...
Kinematics getCentroidContactInputPose (Index numContact) const
 Returns the pose of the contact in the centroid frame, given as an input when updating the contact (obtained from its pose in the user frame). More...
Kinematics getWorldContactPoseFromCentroid (Index numContact) const
 Returns the pose of the contact in the world frame, obtained from the state pose of the centroid in the world frame. More...
Kinematics getContactStateRestKinematics (Index numContact) const
 Returns the estimated rest pose of the contact in the world frame. More...
Kinematics getUserContactInputPose (Index numContact) const
 Returns the pose of the contact in the user frame, given as an input when updating the contact. More...
Index getIMUMeasIndexByNum (Index num) const
 Get the measurement index of the required IMU : allows to access its corresponding measurements in the measurement vector for example. More...
Index getContactMeasIndexByNum (Index num) const
bool getContactIsSetByNum (Index num) const

Public Attributes

bool nanDetected_ = false

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr Index sizeAcceleroSignal = 3
static constexpr Index sizeGyroSignal = 3
static constexpr Index sizeIMUSignal = sizeAcceleroSignal + sizeGyroSignal
static constexpr Index sizePos = 3
static constexpr Index sizePosTangent = 3
static constexpr Index sizeOri = 4
static constexpr Index sizeOriTangent = 3
static constexpr Index sizeLinVel = sizePos
static constexpr Index sizeLinVelTangent = sizeLinVel
static constexpr Index sizeLinAccTangent = sizeLinVelTangent
static constexpr Index sizeAngVel = sizeOriTangent
static constexpr Index sizeAngVelTangent = sizeAngVel
static constexpr Index sizeGyroBias = sizeGyroSignal
static constexpr Index sizeGyroBiasTangent = sizeGyroBias
static constexpr Index sizeForce = 3
static constexpr Index sizeForceTangent = sizeForce
static constexpr Index sizeTorque = 3
static constexpr Index sizeTorqueTangent = sizeTorque
static constexpr Index sizeWrench = sizeForce + sizeTorque
static constexpr Index sizeStateKine = sizePos + sizeOri + sizeLinVel + sizeAngVel
static constexpr Index sizeStateBase = sizeStateKine + sizeForce + sizeTorque
static constexpr Index sizeStateKineTangent = sizePos + sizeOriTangent + sizeLinVel + sizeAngVel
static constexpr Index sizeStateTangentBase = sizeStateKineTangent + sizeForce + sizeTorque
static constexpr Index sizePose = sizePos + sizeOri
static constexpr Index sizePoseTangent = sizePos + sizeOriTangent
static constexpr Index sizeContactKine = sizePose
static constexpr Index sizeContactKineTangent = sizePoseTangent
static constexpr Index sizeContact = sizeContactKine + sizeWrench
static constexpr Index sizeContactTangent = sizeContactKineTangent + sizeWrench
static constexpr Kinematics::Flags::Byte flagsStateKine
static constexpr Kinematics::Flags::Byte flagsContactKine
static constexpr Kinematics::Flags::Byte flagsPoseKine
static constexpr Kinematics::Flags::Byte flagsPosKine = Kinematics::Flags::position
static constexpr Kinematics::Flags::Byte flagsIMUKine
static const double defaultMass
static const double statePoseInitVarianceDefault
static const double stateOriInitVarianceDefault
static const double stateLinVelInitVarianceDefault
static const double stateAngVelInitVarianceDefault
static const double gyroBiasInitVarianceDefault
static const double unmodeledWrenchInitVarianceDefault
static const double contactForceInitVarianceDefault
static const double contactTorqueInitVarianceDefault
static const double statePoseProcessVarianceDefault
static const double stateOriProcessVarianceDefault
static const double stateLinVelProcessVarianceDefault
static const double stateAngVelProcessVarianceDefault
static const double gyroBiasProcessVarianceDefault
static const double unmodeledWrenchProcessVarianceDefault
static const double contactPositionProcessVarianceDefault
static const double contactOrientationProcessVarianceDefault
static const double contactForceProcessVarianceDefault
static const double contactTorqueProcessVarianceDefault
static const double acceleroVarianceDefault
static const double gyroVarianceDefault
static const double forceSensorVarianceDefault
static const double torqueSensorVarianceDefault
static const double positionSensorVarianceDefault
static const double orientationSensorVarianceDefault
static const double linearStiffnessDefault
static const double angularStiffnessDefault
static const double linearDampingDefault
static const double angularDampingDefault

Protected Types

typedef std::vector< IMU, Eigen::aligned_allocator< IMU > > VectorIMU
typedef VectorIMU::iterator VectorIMUIterator
typedef VectorIMU::const_iterator VectorIMUConstIterator
typedef std::vector< Contact, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Contact > > VectorContact
typedef VectorContact::iterator VectorContactIterator
typedef VectorContact::const_iterator VectorContactConstIterator

Protected Member Functions

virtual Vector stateDynamics (const Vector &x, const Vector &u, TimeIndex k)
 Applies the state-transition model to the given state vector using the given input to predict the future state. More...
virtual Vector measureDynamics (const Vector &x, const Vector &u, TimeIndex k)
 Applies the measurement model to the given state vector using the given input to predict the sensor measurements. More...
void addUnmodeledAndContactWrench_ (const Vector &centroidStateVector, Vector3 &force, Vector3 &torque)
 Adds the unmodeled and contact wrenches from the state to the given wrench. More...
void addUnmodeledWrench_ (const Vector &centroidStateVector, Vector3 &force, Vector3 &torque)
 Adds the unmodeled wrench from the state to the given wrench. More...
void addContactWrench_ (const Kinematics &centroidContactKine, const Vector3 &centroidContactForce, const Vector3 &centroidContactTorque, Vector3 &totalCentroidForce, Vector3 &totalCentroidTorque)
 adds the contribution of a contact wrench at the centroid to the total wrench More...
void computeLocalAccelerations_ (LocalKinematics &localStateKine, const Vector3 &totalForceLocal, const Vector3 &totalMomentLocal, Vector3 &linAcc, Vector3 &angAcc)
 Computes the local accelerations of the centroid frame in the world frame and adds them to its local kinematics. More...
void computeContactForce_ (VectorContactIterator i, LocalKinematics &worldCentroidStateKinematics, Kinematics &worldRestContactPose, Vector3 &contactForce, Vector3 &contactTorque)
 Computes the force exerted at a contact using the visco-elastic model on the given state vector. More...
void computeContactForces_ (LocalKinematics &worldCentroidStateKinematics, Vector3 &contactForce, Vector3 &contactTorque)
 Computes the force exerted at a contact using the visco-elastic model on the given state vector. Compute the resulting wrench for all currently set contacts. More...
virtual void setProcessNoise (NoiseBase *)
 Sets a noise which disturbs the state dynamics. More...
virtual void resetProcessNoise ()
 Removes the process noise. More...
virtual NoiseBasegetProcessNoise () const
 Gets the process noise. More...
virtual void setMeasurementNoise (NoiseBase *)
 Sets a noise which disturbs the measurements. More...
virtual void resetMeasurementNoise ()
 Removes the measurement noise. More...
virtual NoiseBasegetMeasurementNoise () const
 Gets a pointer on the measurement noise. More...
virtual Index getInputSize () const
 Gets the input size. More...
void stateNaNCorrection_ ()
void updateLocalKineAndContacts_ ()
 update of the state kinematics worldCentroidStateKinematics_ and of the contacts pose with the newly estimated state More...
void updateGlobalKine_ ()
 updates the global kinematics of the centroid from the local ones, that can be more interpretable More...
void startNewIteration_ ()
void convertUserToCentroidFrame_ (const Kinematics &userKine, Kinematics &centroidKine, TimeIndex k_data)
 Converts a LocalKinematics object from the user's frame to the centroid's frame, which is used for most of the computations. More...
Kinematics convertUserToCentroidFrame_ (const Kinematics &userKine, TimeIndex k_data)
 Converts a Kinematics object from the user's frame to the centroid's frame, which is used for most of the computations. More...
Index gyroBiasIndex (VectorIMUConstIterator i) const
 Getters for the indexes of the state Vector using private types. More...
Index gyroBiasIndexTangent (VectorIMUConstIterator i) const
Index contactIndex (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactKineIndex (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactPosIndex (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactOriIndex (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactForceIndex (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactTorqueIndex (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactWrenchIndex (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactIndexTangent (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
 Getters for the indexes of the state Vector using private types. More...
Index contactKineIndexTangent (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactPosIndexTangent (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactOriIndexTangent (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactForceIndexTangent (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactTorqueIndexTangent (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
Index contactWrenchIndexTangent (VectorContactConstIterator i) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from stateObservation::DynamicalSystemFunctorBase
void assertStateVector_ (const Vector &v)
void assertInputVector_ (const Vector &v)
 DynamicalSystemFunctorBase ()
virtual ~DynamicalSystemFunctorBase ()
virtual void reset ()
virtual bool checkStateVector (const Vector &)
 Gives a boolean answer on whether or not the vector is correctly sized to be a state vector. More...
virtual bool checkInputvector (const Vector &)
 Gives a boolean answer on whether or not the vector is correctly sized to be an input vector. More...

Protected Attributes

unsigned maxContacts_
unsigned maxImuNumber_
AbsolutePoseSensor absPoseSensor_
AbsoluteOriSensor absOriSensor_
VectorContact contacts_
VectorIMU imuSensors_
Index stateSize_
Index stateTangentSize_
Index measurementSize_
Index measurementTangentSize_
Vector worldCentroidStateVector_
Vector worldCentroidStateVectorDx_
Vector oldWorldCentroidStateVector_
LocalKinematics worldCentroidStateKinematics_
Kinematics worldCentroidKinematics_
Vector3 additionalForce_
Vector3 additionalTorque_
Vector3 initTotalCentroidForce_
Vector3 initTotalCentroidTorque_
Vector measurementVector_
Matrix measurementCovMatrix_
stateObservation::ExtendedKalmanFilter ekf_
bool finiteDifferencesJacobians_
bool withGyroBias_
bool withUnmodeledWrench_
bool withAccelerationEstimation_
IndexedVector3 com_
IndexedVector3 comd_
IndexedVector3 comdd_
IndexedVector3 sigma_
IndexedVector3 sigmad_
IndexedMatrix3 I_
IndexedMatrix3 Id_
TimeIndex k_est_
TimeIndex k_data_
double mass_
double dt_
Index numberOfContactRealSensors_
Index currentIMUSensorNumber_
Matrix3 linearStiffnessMatDefault_
 Default Stiffness and damping. More...
Matrix3 angularStiffnessMatDefault_
Matrix3 linearDampingMatDefault_
Matrix3 angularDampingMatDefault_
Matrix3 acceleroCovMatDefault_
Matrix3 gyroCovMatDefault_
Matrix6 contactWrenchSensorCovMatDefault_
Matrix6 absPoseSensorCovMatDefault_
Matrix3 absOriSensorCovMatDefault_
Matrix3 statePosInitCovMat_
Matrix3 stateOriInitCovMat_
Matrix3 stateLinVelInitCovMat_
Matrix3 stateAngVelInitCovMat_
Matrix3 gyroBiasInitCovMat_
Matrix6 unmodeledWrenchInitCovMat_
Matrix12 contactInitCovMatDefault_
Matrix3 statePosProcessCovMat_
Matrix3 stateOriProcessCovMat_
Matrix3 stateLinVelProcessCovMat_
Matrix3 stateAngVelProcessCovMat_
Matrix3 gyroBiasProcessCovMat_
Matrix6 unmodeledWrenchProcessCovMat_
Matrix3 contactPositionProcessCovMat_
Matrix3 contactOrientationProcessCovMat_
Matrix3 contactForceProcessCovMat_
Matrix3 contactTorqueProcessCovMat_
Matrix12 contactProcessCovMatDefault_
Matrix12 stateKinematicsInitCovMat_
Matrix12 stateKinematicsProcessCovMat_
struct stateObservation::KineticsObserver::Opt opt_

Static Protected Attributes

static const double defaultdx
 default derivation steps More...

State vector representation arithmetics and derivation (advanced use)

Vector stateSum (const Vector &stateVector, const Vector &tangentVector)
 the sum operator for the state vector More...
virtual void stateSum (const Vector &stateVector, const Vector &tangentVector, Vector &sum)
 the sum operator for the state vector This version does not allocate a new vector More...
Vector stateDifference (const Vector &stateVector1, const Vector &stateVector2)
 the difference operator for the state statevector1 ⊖ statevector2 More...
virtual void stateDifference (const Vector &stateVector1, const Vector &stateVector2, Vector &difference)
 the difference operator for the state statevector1 ⊖ statevector2 This version prevents a nwe vector allocation More...
virtual void measurementDifference (const Vector &measureVector1, const Vector &measureVector2, Vector &difference)
 the difference operator for the measurement statevector1 ⊖ statevector2 More...
virtual void useFiniteDifferencesJacobians (bool b=true)
 Define if we use dinite differences Jacobian or analytic. More...
virtual void setFiniteDifferenceStep (const Vector &dx)
 Set the Finite Difference time step. More...
virtual Matrix computeAMatrix ()
virtual Matrix computeCMatrix ()
void computeLocalAccelerations (const Vector &x, Vector &acceleration)
 computes the local acceleration from the given state vector More...
int testAccelerationsJacobians (KineticsObserver &ko, int errcode, double relativeErrorThreshold, double threshold)
 Comparison between the Jacobians of the linear and angular accelerations with respect to the state, obtained with finite differences and analyticially. More...
int testAnalyticalAJacobianVsFD (KineticsObserver &ko, int errcode, double relativeErrorThreshold, double threshold)
 Comparison between the analytical Jacobian matrix A and the one obtained by finite differences. Used to test the analytical method. More...
int testAnalyticalCJacobianVsFD (KineticsObserver &ko, int errcode, double relativeErrorThreshold, double threshold)
int testOrientationsJacobians (KineticsObserver &ko, int errcode, double relativeErrorThreshold, double threshold)
 Comparison between the Jacobians of orientation integration with respect to an increment vector delta, obtained with finite differences and analyticially. More...

Detailed Description

This observer estimates the kinematics, the external forces, the bias on the gyrometers measurements, and the contacts forces and pose.

Our observer estimates the localkinematics of the centroid's frame within the world frame. The reason to choose the centroid's frame is that it simplifies many expressions, for example the expressions of the accelerations. This estimation is based on the assumption of viscoelastic contacts and using three kinds of measurements: IMUs, Force/Torque measurements (contact and other ones) and any absolute position measurements. Inputs are given in a frame whose choice is at the user's discretion, we therefore call it the user frame.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Kinematics

◆ LocalKinematics

◆ Orientation

◆ VectorContact

typedef std::vector<Contact, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Contact> > stateObservation::KineticsObserver::VectorContact

◆ VectorContactConstIterator

typedef VectorContact::const_iterator stateObservation::KineticsObserver::VectorContactConstIterator

◆ VectorContactIterator

typedef VectorContact::iterator stateObservation::KineticsObserver::VectorContactIterator

◆ VectorIMU

typedef std::vector<IMU, Eigen::aligned_allocator<IMU> > stateObservation::KineticsObserver::VectorIMU

◆ VectorIMUConstIterator

typedef VectorIMU::const_iterator stateObservation::KineticsObserver::VectorIMUConstIterator

◆ VectorIMUIterator

typedef VectorIMU::iterator stateObservation::KineticsObserver::VectorIMUIterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KineticsObserver()

stateObservation::KineticsObserver::KineticsObserver ( unsigned  maxContacts = 4,
unsigned  maxNumberOfIMU = 1 

Construct a new Kinetics Observer.

maxContactsmaximum number of contacts between the robot and the environment. These do not include the additional forces nor the estimated unmodeled forces
maxNumberOfIMUthe maximum number of IMUs. They don't have to give measurements at each iterations and they don't have to be synchronized

◆ ~KineticsObserver()

virtual stateObservation::KineticsObserver::~KineticsObserver ( )

Destroy the Kinetics Observer.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addContact() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::addContact ( const Kinematics pose,
const Matrix12 initialCovarianceMatrix,
const Matrix12 processCovarianceMatrix,
Index  contactNumber = -1,
const Matrix3 linearStiffness = Matrix3::Constant(-1),
const Matrix3 linearDamping = Matrix3::Constant(-1),
const Matrix3 angularStiffness = Matrix3::Constant(-1),
const Matrix3 angularDamping = Matrix3::Constant(-1) 

Set a new contact with the environment.

poseis the initial guess on the position of the contact in the WORLD frame. Only position and orientation are enough. If the contact is compliant, you need to set the "rest" pose of the contact (i.e. the pose that gives zero reaction force)
initialCovarianceMatrixis the covariance matrix expressing the uncertainty in the pose of the initial guess in the 6x6 upper left corner ( if no good initial guess is available give a rough position with a high initial covariance matrix, if the position is certain, set it to zero.) and the initial wrench in the 6x6 lower right corner.
processCovarianceMatrixis the covariance matrix expressing the rate at which the contact slides or drifts in the 6x6 upper left corner (set to zero for no sliding) and the certainty in the reaction force model (viscoelastic) in the prediction of the contact force
contactNumberthe number id of the contact to add. If no predefined id, use -1 (default) in order to set the number automatically
linearStiffnessthe linear stiffness of the contact viscoelastic model, if unknown, set to Matrix3::Constant(-1) (default) to use the default one
linearDampingthe linear damping of the contact viscoelastic model, if unknown, set to Matrix3::Constant(-1) (default) to use the default one
angularStiffnessthe angular stiffness of the contact viscoelastic model, if unknown, set to Matrix3::Constant(-1) (default) to use the default one
angularDampingthe angular damping of the contact viscoelastic model, if unknown, set to Matrix3::Constant(-1) (default) to use the default one
int the id number of the contact just added (returns contactNumber if it is positive)

◆ addContact() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::addContact ( const Kinematics pose,
Index  contactNumber = -1,
const Matrix3 linearStiffness = Matrix3::Constant(-1),
const Matrix3 linearDamping = Matrix3::Constant(-1),
const Matrix3 angularStiffness = Matrix3::Constant(-1),
const Matrix3 angularDamping = Matrix3::Constant(-1) 

Set a new contact with the environment (use default covariance matrices)

poseis the initial guess on the position of the contact in the WORLD frame. Only position and orientation are enough
contactNumberthe number id of the contact to add. If no predefined id, use -1 (default) in order to set the number automatically
linearStiffnessthe linear stiffness of the contact viscoelastic model, if unknown, set to Matrix3::Constant(-1) (default) to use the default one
linearDampingthe linear damping of the contact viscoelastic model, if unknown, set to Matrix3::Constant(-1) (default) to use the default one
angularStiffnessthe angular stiffness of the contact viscoelastic model, if unknown, set to Matrix3::Constant(-1) (default) to use the default one
angularDampingthe angular damping of the contact viscoelastic model, if unknown, set to Matrix3:::Constant(-1) (default) to use the default one
int the id number of the contact just added (returns contactNumber if it is positive)

◆ addContactWrench_()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::addContactWrench_ ( const Kinematics centroidContactKine,
const Vector3 centroidContactForce,
const Vector3 centroidContactTorque,
Vector3 totalCentroidForce,
Vector3 totalCentroidTorque 

adds the contribution of a contact wrench at the centroid to the total wrench

centroidContactKineThe Kinematics of the current contact at the centroid
centroidContactForceThe contact force at the centroid to add to the total force
centroidContactTorqueThe contact torque at the centroid to add to the total torque
totalCentroidForceThe total force exerced at the centroid, that will be completed with the contact's force
totalCentroidTorqueThe total torque exerced at the centroid, that will be completed with the contact's torque

◆ addUnmodeledAndContactWrench_()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::addUnmodeledAndContactWrench_ ( const Vector centroidStateVector,
Vector3 force,
Vector3 torque 

Adds the unmodeled and contact wrenches from the state to the given wrench.

centroidStateVectorThe current state vector
forceThe force we want to add the forces to. Must be expressed in the centroid frame.
torqueThe torque we want to add the torques to. Must be expressed in the centroid frame.

◆ addUnmodeledWrench_()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::addUnmodeledWrench_ ( const Vector centroidStateVector,
Vector3 force,
Vector3 torque 

Adds the unmodeled wrench from the state to the given wrench.

centroidStateVectorThe current state vector
forceThe force we want to add the unmodeled force to. Must be expressed in the centroid frame.
torqueThe torque we want to add the unmodeled torque to. Must be expressed in the centroid frame.

◆ angVelIndex()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::angVelIndex ( ) const

Get the angular velocity index of the state vector.


◆ angVelIndexTangent()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::angVelIndexTangent ( ) const

Get the angular velocity index of the tangent state vector.


◆ clearContacts()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::clearContacts ( )

remove all the contacts

◆ computeAMatrix()

virtual Matrix stateObservation::KineticsObserver::computeAMatrix ( )

◆ computeCMatrix()

virtual Matrix stateObservation::KineticsObserver::computeCMatrix ( )

◆ computeContactForce_()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::computeContactForce_ ( VectorContactIterator  i,
LocalKinematics worldCentroidStateKinematics,
Kinematics worldRestContactPose,
Vector3 contactForce,
Vector3 contactTorque 

Computes the force exerted at a contact using the visco-elastic model on the given state vector.

iContact to estimate
worldCentroidStateKinematicsState vector used in the visco-elastic model
worldRestContactPoseRest pose of the contact
contactForceEmpty vector of the contact force to estimate
contactTorqueEmpty vector of the contact force to estimate

◆ computeContactForces_()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::computeContactForces_ ( LocalKinematics worldCentroidStateKinematics,
Vector3 contactForce,
Vector3 contactTorque 

Computes the force exerted at a contact using the visco-elastic model on the given state vector. Compute the resulting wrench for all currently set contacts.

worldCentroidStateKinematicsState vector used in the visco-elastic model
contactForceEmpty vector of the contact force to estimate
contactTorqueEmpty vector of the contact force to estimate

◆ computeLocalAccelerations()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::computeLocalAccelerations ( const Vector x,
Vector acceleration 

computes the local acceleration from the given state vector

◆ computeLocalAccelerations_()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::computeLocalAccelerations_ ( LocalKinematics localStateKine,
const Vector3 totalForceLocal,
const Vector3 totalMomentLocal,
Vector3 linAcc,
Vector3 angAcc 

Computes the local accelerations of the centroid frame in the world frame and adds them to its local kinematics.

localStateKineThe local kinematics of the centroid frame in the world frame that still don't contain the accelerations.
centroidContactForceThe contact force at the centroid to add to the total force
totalForceLocalTotal force exerted on the centroid.
totalMomentLocalTotal torque exerted on the centroid.
linAccThe empty vector of the linear acceleration we want to compute.
angAccThe empty vector of the angular acceleration we want to compute.

◆ contactForceIndex() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactForceIndex ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the linear force of a specific contact in the sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactForceIndex() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactForceIndex ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactForceIndexTangent() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactForceIndexTangent ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the linear force of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactForceIndexTangent() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactForceIndexTangent ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactIndex() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactIndex ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of a specific contact in the sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactIndex() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactIndex ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactIndexTangent() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactIndexTangent ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactIndexTangent() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactIndexTangent ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

Getters for the indexes of the state Vector using private types.

◆ contactKineIndex() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactKineIndex ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the kinematics of a specific contact in the sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactKineIndex() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactKineIndex ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactKineIndexTangent() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactKineIndexTangent ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the kinematics of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactKineIndexTangent() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactKineIndexTangent ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactOriIndex() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactOriIndex ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the orientation of a specific contact in the sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactOriIndex() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactOriIndex ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactOriIndexTangent() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactOriIndexTangent ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the orientation of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactOriIndexTangent() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactOriIndexTangent ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactPosIndex() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactPosIndex ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the position of a specific contact in the sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactPosIndex() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactPosIndex ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactPosIndexTangent() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactPosIndexTangent ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the position of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactPosIndexTangent() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactPosIndexTangent ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactsIndex()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactsIndex ( ) const

Get the index for the contact segment in the state vector.


◆ contactsIndexTangent()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactsIndexTangent ( ) const

Get the index for the contact segment in the tangent state vector.


◆ contactTorqueIndex() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactTorqueIndex ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the toraue of a specific contact in the sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactTorqueIndex() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactTorqueIndex ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactTorqueIndexTangent() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactTorqueIndexTangent ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the toraue of a specific contact in the tangent sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactTorqueIndexTangent() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactTorqueIndexTangent ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactWrenchIndex() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactWrenchIndex ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the wrench of a specific contact in the sate vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactWrenchIndex() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactWrenchIndex ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ contactWrenchIndexTangent() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactWrenchIndexTangent ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the index of the wrench of a specific contact in the sate tangent vector.

contactNbrThe contact number id

◆ contactWrenchIndexTangent() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactWrenchIndexTangent ( VectorContactConstIterator  i) const

◆ convertUserToCentroidFrame_() [1/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::convertUserToCentroidFrame_ ( const Kinematics userKine,
Kinematics centroidKine,
TimeIndex  k_data 

Converts a LocalKinematics object from the user's frame to the centroid's frame, which is used for most of the computations.

userKinethe LocalKinematics object expressed in the user's frame. It is likely to correspond to the IMU's LocalKinematics, defined by the user in its frame.
centroidKinethe LocalKinematics object corresponding to the converted LocalKinematics in the centroid's frame.

◆ convertUserToCentroidFrame_() [2/2]

Kinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::convertUserToCentroidFrame_ ( const Kinematics userKine,
TimeIndex  k_data 

Converts a Kinematics object from the user's frame to the centroid's frame, which is used for most of the computations.

userKinethe Kinematics object expressed in the user's frame. It is likely to correspond to the contact's Kinematics, defined by the user in its frame.

◆ convertWrenchFromUserToCentroid()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::convertWrenchFromUserToCentroid ( const Vector3 forceUserFrame,
const Vector3 momentUserFrame,
Vector3 forceCentroidFrame,
Vector3 momentCentroidFrame 

Returns the predicted Kinematics object of the centroid in the world frame at the time of the measurement predictions.

Converts a given wrench from the user to the centroid frame

Performs the conversion of a wrench {force, torque} from the user frame to the centroid frame.

◆ estimateAccelerations()

LocalKinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::estimateAccelerations ( )

gets the Kinematics that include the linear and angular accelerations.

This method computes the estimated accelerations from the observed state of the robot. It means this acceleration is filtered by the model


◆ getAdditionalWrench()

Vector6 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getAdditionalWrench ( ) const

Returns the input additional wrench, expressed in the centroid frame.

The input additional wrench, expressed in the centroid frame.

◆ getAngularMomentum()

const IndexedVector3& stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getAngularMomentum ( ) const

Returns the angular momentum of the robot at the center of mass.

The angular momentum of the robot at the center of mass.

◆ getAngularMomentumDot()

const IndexedVector3& stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getAngularMomentumDot ( ) const

Returns the derivative of the angular momentum of the robot at the center of mass.

The derivative of the angular momentum of the robot at the center of mass.

◆ getCenterOfMass()

const IndexedVector3& stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getCenterOfMass ( ) const

Returns the position of the CoM of the robot in the user frame.

The position of the center of mass of the robot in the user frame.

◆ getCenterOfMassDot()

const IndexedVector3& stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getCenterOfMassDot ( ) const

Returns the linear velocity of the CoM of the robot in the user frame.

The linear velocity of the center of mass of the robot in the user frame.

◆ getCenterOfMassDotDot()

const IndexedVector3& stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getCenterOfMassDotDot ( ) const

Returns the linear acceleration of the CoM of the robot in the user frame.

The linear acceleration of the center of mass of the robot in the user frame.

◆ getCentroidContactInputPose()

Kinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getCentroidContactInputPose ( Index  numContact) const

Returns the pose of the contact in the centroid frame, given as an input when updating the contact (obtained from its pose in the user frame).


◆ getCentroidContactWrench()

Vector6 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getCentroidContactWrench ( Index  numContact) const

Returns the wrench exerted at the contact, expressed in the frame of the centroid.


◆ getContactIsSetByNum()

bool stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getContactIsSetByNum ( Index  num) const

◆ getContactMeasIndexByNum()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getContactMeasIndexByNum ( Index  num) const

◆ getContactPosition()

Kinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getContactPosition ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the Contact 6D pose n in the global frame.

The contact position may be uncertain, this estimator uses the input data, the kinematic and the dynamic models to estimate the position of the contact in the environment This position is the "rest position" of the contact and therefore is different from what is obtained using forward kinematics because it does not include the contact deformation due to the contact forces

contactNbrThe contact number id
Kinematics The pose

◆ getContactStateRestKinematics()

Kinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getContactStateRestKinematics ( Index  numContact) const

Returns the estimated rest pose of the contact in the world frame.


◆ getContactWrench()

Vector6 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getContactWrench ( Index  contactNbr) const

Get the Estimated Contact Wrench This is useful in the case of uncertain wrench sensors or when contact force measurement is not available.

get the contact force provided by the estimator which is different from a contact sensor measurement

Vector6 Wrench

◆ getCurrentStateVector()

const Vector& stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getCurrentStateVector ( ) const

Gets the current value of the state estimation in the form of a state vector \(\hat{x_{k}}\).

//////////////////////////////// Getters and setters for the state vectors ////////////////////////////////

const Vector&

◆ getEKF() [1/2]

ExtendedKalmanFilter& stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getEKF ( )

Gets a reference on the extended Kalman filter modifying this object may lead to instabilities

◆ getEKF() [2/2]

const ExtendedKalmanFilter& stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getEKF ( ) const

Gets a const reference on the extended Kalman filter.

◆ getGlobalCentroidKinematics()

Kinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getGlobalCentroidKinematics ( ) const

Get the estimated Kinematics of the centroid frame in the world frame.

It includes the linear and angular position and velocity but not the accelerations by default. To get the acceleration call estimateAccelerations(). This method does NOT update the estimation, for this use update().


◆ getGlobalKinematicsOf()

Kinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getGlobalKinematicsOf ( const Kinematics userBodyKin) const

Get the global kinematics of a given frame (in the user frame) in the centroid frame.

The kinematics are linear and angular positions, velocities and optionally accelerations.


◆ getIMUMeasIndexByNum()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getIMUMeasIndexByNum ( Index  num) const

Get the measurement index of the required IMU : allows to access its corresponding measurements in the measurement vector for example.


◆ getInertiaMatrix()

const IndexedMatrix3& stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getInertiaMatrix ( ) const

Returns the global inertia matrix of the robot at the center of mass.

The global inertia matrix of the robot at the center of mass.

◆ getInertiaMatrixDot()

const IndexedMatrix3& stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getInertiaMatrixDot ( ) const

Returns the derivative of the global inertia matrix of the robot at the center of mass.

The derivative of the global inertia matrix of the robot at the center of mass.

◆ getInputSize()

virtual Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getInputSize ( ) const

Gets the input size.

Implements stateObservation::DynamicalSystemFunctorBase.

◆ getListOfContacts()

std::vector<Index> stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getListOfContacts ( ) const

Get the List Of Contact ids.

std::vector<int> a vector listing the contact ids

◆ getLocalCentroidKinematics()

LocalKinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getLocalCentroidKinematics ( ) const

Get the estimated local Kinematics of the centroid frame in the world frame (local, which means expressed in the centroid frame).

the kinematics are the main output of this observer. It includes the linear and angular position and velocity but not the accelerations by default. To get the acceleration call estimateAccelerations(). This method does NOT update the estimation, for this use update().


◆ getLocalKinematicsOf()

LocalKinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getLocalKinematicsOf ( const Kinematics userBodyKine)

Get the local kinematics of a given frame (in the user frame) in the centroid frame.

The kinematics are linear and angular positions, velocities and optionally accelerations.


◆ getMass()

double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getMass ( ) const

Returns the mass of the robot.

the mass of the robot.

◆ getMeasurementNoise()

virtual NoiseBase* stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getMeasurementNoise ( ) const

Gets a pointer on the measurement noise.

◆ getMeasurementSize()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getMeasurementSize ( ) const

Get the Measurement vector Size.


Implements stateObservation::DynamicalSystemFunctorBase.

◆ getMeasurementVector()

Vector stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getMeasurementVector ( )

Get the Measurement Vector.


◆ getNumberOfSetContacts()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getNumberOfSetContacts ( ) const

Get the Current Number Of Contacts.

Index The current number of contacts

◆ getProcessNoise()

virtual NoiseBase* stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getProcessNoise ( ) const

Gets the process noise.

◆ getSamplingTime()

double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getSamplingTime ( ) const

Get the Sampling Time.

const double &

◆ getStateCovarianceMat()

Matrix stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getStateCovarianceMat ( ) const

Get the State Covariance matrix.


◆ getStateSize()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getStateSize ( ) const

Get the State Vector Size.

//////////////////////////////// Getters and setters for the state vector and full covariance matrices ////////////////////////////////


Implements stateObservation::DynamicalSystemFunctorBase.

◆ getStateTangentSize()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getStateTangentSize ( ) const

Get the State Vector Tangent Size.


◆ getStateVectorTimeIndex()

TimeIndex stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getStateVectorTimeIndex ( ) const

Get the State Vector Internal Time Index This is for advanced use but may be used to check how many states have been estimated up to now.


◆ getUnmodeledWrench()

Vector6 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getUnmodeledWrench ( ) const

Get the Unmodeled External Wrench (requires setWithUnmodeledWrench() to true before to update())

In the presence of unmodeled and unmeasured external forces and moments, the dynamics of the robot behaves differently, this difference can be exploited to estimate the resultant of these forces and moments.


◆ getUserContactInputPose()

Kinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getUserContactInputPose ( Index  numContact) const

Returns the pose of the contact in the user frame, given as an input when updating the contact.


◆ getWithAccelerationEstimation()

bool stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getWithAccelerationEstimation ( ) const

Returns if the estimation computes also the accelerations.

True if the acceleration is also estimated. Returns false otherwise.

◆ getWorldContactPoseFromCentroid()

Kinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::getWorldContactPoseFromCentroid ( Index  numContact) const

Returns the pose of the contact in the world frame, obtained from the state pose of the centroid in the world frame.


◆ gyroBiasIndex() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::gyroBiasIndex ( Index  IMUNumber) const

Get the gyro bias index of the state vector.


◆ gyroBiasIndex() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::gyroBiasIndex ( VectorIMUConstIterator  i) const

Getters for the indexes of the state Vector using private types.

◆ gyroBiasIndexTangent() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::gyroBiasIndexTangent ( Index  IMUNumber) const

Get the gyro bias index of the tangent state vector.


◆ gyroBiasIndexTangent() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::gyroBiasIndexTangent ( VectorIMUConstIterator  i) const

◆ kineIndex()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::kineIndex ( ) const

Get the kinematics index of the state vector.

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Getters for the indexes of the state Vector //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


◆ kineIndexTangent()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::kineIndexTangent ( ) const

Get the kinematics index of the tangent state vector.

Getters for the indexes of the tangent state Vector //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


◆ linVelIndex()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::linVelIndex ( ) const

Get the linear velocity index of the state vector.


◆ linVelIndexTangent()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::linVelIndexTangent ( ) const

Get the linear velocity index of the tangent state vector.


◆ measureDynamics()

virtual Vector stateObservation::KineticsObserver::measureDynamics ( const Vector x,
const Vector u,
TimeIndex  k 

Applies the measurement model to the given state vector using the given input to predict the sensor measurements.

xThe current state vector
uThe current input vector
kThe current time index

Implements stateObservation::DynamicalSystemFunctorBase.

◆ measurementDifference()

virtual void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::measurementDifference ( const Vector measureVector1,
const Vector measureVector2,
Vector difference 

the difference operator for the measurement statevector1 ⊖ statevector2

it amounts at a time derivation betweeen state vectors with a time step of one second. Therefore the result is a tangent vector

measureVector1Operator 1
measureVector2Operator 2
differenceThe result

Reimplemented from stateObservation::StateVectorArithmetics.

◆ oriIndex()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::oriIndex ( ) const

Get the orientation index of the state vector.


◆ oriIndexTangent()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::oriIndexTangent ( ) const

Get the orientation index of the tangent state vector.


◆ posIndex()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::posIndex ( ) const

Get the position index of the state vector.


◆ posIndexTangent()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::posIndexTangent ( ) const

Get the position index of the tangent state vector.


◆ removeContact()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::removeContact ( Index  contactnbr)

Remove a contact.

contactnbrthe number of the contact to remove

◆ resetInputs()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetInputs ( )

reset all the sensor inputs and provided contact information but keeps the contacts themselves

◆ resetMeasurementNoise()

virtual void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetMeasurementNoise ( )

Removes the measurement noise.

◆ resetProcessContactCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetProcessContactCovMat ( Index  contactNbr)

◆ resetProcessContactsCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetProcessContactsCovMat ( )

◆ resetProcessCovarianceMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetProcessCovarianceMat ( )

◆ resetProcessGyroBiasCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetProcessGyroBiasCovMat ( Index  i)

◆ resetProcessKinematicsCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetProcessKinematicsCovMat ( )

◆ resetProcessNoise()

virtual void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetProcessNoise ( )

Removes the process noise.

◆ resetProcessUnmodeledWrenchCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetProcessUnmodeledWrenchCovMat ( )

◆ resetSensorsDefaultCovMats()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetSensorsDefaultCovMats ( )

Reset the default values for the sensors covariance matrices.

this is useful in case of misbehavior of the estimator or the sensors

◆ resetStateContactCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetStateContactCovMat ( Index  contactNbr)

◆ resetStateContactsCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetStateContactsCovMat ( )

◆ resetStateCovarianceMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetStateCovarianceMat ( )

Resets the covariance matrices to their original values.

◆ resetStateGyroBiasCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetStateGyroBiasCovMat ( Index  i)

◆ resetStateKinematicsCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetStateKinematicsCovMat ( )

◆ resetStateUnmodeledWrenchCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::resetStateUnmodeledWrenchCovMat ( )

◆ setAbsoluteOriSensor() [1/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setAbsoluteOriSensor ( const Orientation measurement)

Set an Absolute Orientation Sensor measurement The measurement is the orientation of the observed frame in the global frame.

The overload with the measurement only uses default covariance matrix.

measurementThe measurement in the form of an Orientation object

◆ setAbsoluteOriSensor() [2/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setAbsoluteOriSensor ( const Orientation measurement,
const Matrix3 CovarianceMatrix 

Set an Absolute Orientation Sensor measurement The measurement is the orientation of the observed frame in the global frame.

This version sets the Covariance matrix explicitely. The overload with the measurement only uses default covariance matrix.

measurementThe measurement in the form of an Orientation object
CovarianceMatrixthe covariance matrix

◆ setAbsoluteOriSensorDefaultCovarianceMatrix()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setAbsoluteOriSensorDefaultCovarianceMatrix ( const Matrix3 covMat)

Set the Absolute Orientation Sensor Default Covariance Matrix.


◆ setAbsolutePoseSensor() [1/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setAbsolutePoseSensor ( const Kinematics measurement)

Set an Absolute Pose Sensor measurement The measurement is the kinematics namely position and orientation of the observed frame in the global frame.

The overload with the measurement only uses default covariance matrix.

measurementThe measurement in the form of a Kinematics object

◆ setAbsolutePoseSensor() [2/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setAbsolutePoseSensor ( const Kinematics measurement,
const Matrix6 CovarianceMatrix 

Set an Absolute Pose Sensor measurement The measurement is the kinematics namely position and orientation of the observed frame in the global frame.

This version sets the Covariance matrix explicitely. The overload with the measurement only uses default covariance matrix.

measurementThe measurement in the form of a Kinematics object
CovarianceMatrixthe covariance matrix

◆ setAbsolutePoseSensorDefaultCovarianceMatrix()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setAbsolutePoseSensorDefaultCovarianceMatrix ( const Matrix6 covMat)

Set the Absolute Pose Sensor Default Covariance Matrix.


◆ setAdditionalWrench()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setAdditionalWrench ( const Vector3 force,
const Vector3 torque 

Set any Additional resultant known wrench (e.g. measured external forces and moments but no contact ones) expressed in the local estimated frame.

Set to zero if no forces or unknown


◆ setCenterOfMass() [1/3]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setCenterOfMass ( const Vector3 com)

Set the Center Of Mass kinematics expressed in the user frame.

The velocity and acceleration will be computed through finite differences


◆ setCenterOfMass() [2/3]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setCenterOfMass ( const Vector3 com,
const Vector3 com_dot 

Set the Center Of Mass kinematics expressed in the user frame.

The acceleration will be computed through finite differences


◆ setCenterOfMass() [3/3]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setCenterOfMass ( const Vector3 com,
const Vector3 com_dot,
const Vector3 com_dot_dot 

Set the Center Of Mass kinematics expressed in the user frame.


◆ setCoMAngularMomentum() [1/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setCoMAngularMomentum ( const Vector3 sigma)

Set the Angular Momentum around the CoM expressed in the user frame.

The derivative will be computed using finite differences

sigmaThe angular momentum

◆ setCoMAngularMomentum() [2/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setCoMAngularMomentum ( const Vector3 sigma,
const Vector3 sigma_dot 

Set the Angular Momentum around the CoM and its derviative expressed in the user frame.

sigmaThe angular momentum
sigma_dotThe angular momentum derivative

◆ setCoMInertiaMatrix() [1/4]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setCoMInertiaMatrix ( const Matrix3 I)

Set the 3x3 inertia matrix expressed in the user frame.

The derivative will be computed using finite differences

IInertia matrix
I_dotDerivative of inertia matrix

◆ setCoMInertiaMatrix() [2/4]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setCoMInertiaMatrix ( const Matrix3 I,
const Matrix3 I_dot 

Set the 3x3 inertia matrix and its derivative expressed in the user frame.

ISet the inertia matrix at the CoM
I_dotDerivative of inertia matrix

◆ setCoMInertiaMatrix() [3/4]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setCoMInertiaMatrix ( const Vector6 I)

Set the inertia matrix as a Vector6 expressed in the user frame.

The derivative will be computed using finite differences

IInertia matrix as a vector containing the diagonal and the three non diagonal values concatenated

◆ setCoMInertiaMatrix() [4/4]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setCoMInertiaMatrix ( const Vector6 I,
const Vector6 I_dot 

Set the inertia matrix and its derivative as a Vector6 expressed in the user frame.

IInertia matrix as a vector containing the diagonal and the three non diagonal values concatenated
I_dotDerivative of inertia matrix expressed in the same way

◆ setContactInitCovMatDefault()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setContactInitCovMatDefault ( const Matrix12 contactCovMat)

Set the default valut for the Initial Covariance Matrix of the contact in the state.


◆ setContactProcessCovarianceDefault()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setContactProcessCovarianceDefault ( const Matrix12 covMat)

Set the default contact Process Covariance.

◆ setContactProcessCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setContactProcessCovMat ( Index  contactNbr,
const Matrix12 contactCovMat 

Set the Contact Process Covariance Matrix.

contactCovMatthe contact number id

◆ setContactStateCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setContactStateCovMat ( Index  contactNbr,
const Matrix12 contactCovMat 

Set the Contact State Covariance Matrix.

contactCovMatthe contact number id

◆ setContactWrenchSensorDefaultCovarianceMatrix()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setContactWrenchSensorDefaultCovarianceMatrix ( const Matrix6 wrenchSensorCovMat)

Set the Contact Wrench Sensor Default Covariance Matrix.

wrenchSensorCovMatthe new default covariance matrix

◆ setFiniteDifferenceStep()

virtual void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setFiniteDifferenceStep ( const Vector dx)

Set the Finite Difference time step.

dxthe timestep

◆ setGyroBias()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setGyroBias ( const Vector3 ,
unsigned  numberOfIMU = 1,
bool  resetCovariance = true 

Set the Gyro Bias Allows to initializa the value of the gyro bias of the IMU corresponding to the numberOfIMU.

numberOfIMUnumber id of the IMU
resetCovarianceset if the covariance of the IMU bias should be reset

◆ setGyroBiasInitCovarianceDefault()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setGyroBiasInitCovarianceDefault ( const Matrix3 covMat)

Set the Default value for Gyro Bias Init Covariance.

◆ setGyroBiasProcessCovariance()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setGyroBiasProcessCovariance ( const Matrix3 covMat,
unsigned  imuNumber 

Set the Gyro Bias Process Covariance.

covMatthe new process covariance matrix
imuNumberthe number id of the IMU

◆ setGyroBiasProcessCovarianceDefault()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setGyroBiasProcessCovarianceDefault ( const Matrix3 covMat)

Set the default Gyro Bias Process Covariance.

◆ setGyroBiasStateCovariance()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setGyroBiasStateCovariance ( const Matrix3 covMat,
unsigned  imuNumber 

Set the Gyro Bias State Covariance.

covMatthe nwe covariance matrix
imuNumberthe number id of the IMU

◆ setIMU() [1/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setIMU ( const Vector3 accelero,
const Vector3 gyrometer,
const Kinematics userImuKinematics,
Index  num = -1 

Set the measurements of an IMU and give the Kinematic of the IMU in the user frame.

The overload that does not have the covariance matrices as an inputs uses default ones.

The IMU is located in a sensor frame. We suppose we know the kinematics of this sensor frame in the centroid's frame

the number of the IMU (useful in case there are several ones)
acceleromeasured value
gyrometermeasured gyro value
userImuKinematicssets the kinematics of the IMU in the user frame. The best is to provide the position, the orientation, the angular and linear velocities and the linear acceleration Nevertheless if velocities or accelerations are not available they will be automatically computed through finite differences
numthe number of the IMU (useful in case there are several ones). If not set it will be generated automatically.

◆ setIMU() [2/2]

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setIMU ( const Vector3 accelero,
const Vector3 gyrometer,
const Matrix3 acceleroCov,
const Matrix3 gyroCov,
const Kinematics userImuKinematics,
Index  num = -1 

Provides also the associated covariance matrices

This version specifies the covariance matrices of these measurements.

acceleroCovThe covariance matrix of the accelerometer
gyroCovThe covariance matrix of the gyrometer

◆ setIMUDefaultCovarianceMatrix()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setIMUDefaultCovarianceMatrix ( const Matrix3 acceleroCov,
const Matrix3 gyroCov 

set the default covariance matrix for IMU.

this is used to set the covariances wgen not given explicitely (see setIMU(const Vector3&,const Vector3&,const Kinematics &,int)).

acceleroCovThe covariance matrix of the accelerometer
gyroCovThe covariance matrix of the gyrometer

◆ setInitWorldCentroidStateVector()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setInitWorldCentroidStateVector ( const Vector initStateVector)

Initializes the state vector.

initStateVectorthe initial state vector.

◆ setKinematicsInitCovarianceDefault() [1/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setKinematicsInitCovarianceDefault ( const Matrix )

Set the Default value for Kinematics Init Covariance.

◆ setKinematicsInitCovarianceDefault() [2/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setKinematicsInitCovarianceDefault ( const Matrix3 P_pos,
const Matrix3 P_ori,
const Matrix3 P_linVel,
const Matrix3 P_angVel 

Set the Default value for Kinematics Init Covariance.

◆ setKinematicsProcessCovariance()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setKinematicsProcessCovariance ( const Matrix12 )

Set the Kinematics Process Covariance.

◆ setKinematicsProcessCovarianceDefault() [1/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setKinematicsProcessCovarianceDefault ( const Matrix12 )

Set the default Kinematics Process Covariance.

◆ setKinematicsProcessCovarianceDefault() [2/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setKinematicsProcessCovarianceDefault ( const Matrix3 P_pos,
const Matrix3 P_ori,
const Matrix3 P_linVel,
const Matrix3 P_angVel 

Set the default Kinematics Process Covariance.

◆ setKinematicsStateCovariance()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setKinematicsStateCovariance ( const Matrix )

Set the Kinematics State Covariance.

◆ setMass()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setMass ( double  )

Set the total mass of the robot. This can be changed online.


◆ setMeasurementNoise()

virtual void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setMeasurementNoise ( NoiseBase )

Sets a noise which disturbs the measurements.

◆ setProcessNoise()

virtual void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setProcessNoise ( NoiseBase )

Sets a noise which disturbs the state dynamics.

◆ setProcessNoiseCovarianceMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setProcessNoiseCovarianceMat ( const Matrix Q)

Set the covariance matrices for the process noises.

Qprocess noise

◆ setSamplingTime()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setSamplingTime ( double  )

Set the Sampling Time.

◆ setStateContact()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setStateContact ( Index  index,
Kinematics  worldContactRestPose,
const Vector6 wrench,
bool  resetCovariance = true 

Set the state contact kinematics and wrench.

Sets a value for the contact part of the state. Might be useful to reset this state for instance.

indexindex of the contact
worldContactRestPosenew state rest pose of the contact
wrenchnew state wrench of the contact
resetCovarianceset if the associated part of the state covariance matrix should be reset

◆ setStateCovarianceMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setStateCovarianceMat ( const Matrix P)

Set the State Covariance Matrix This is useful in case of a setting a guess on a whole state vect9or.

PThe covariance matrix

◆ setStateUnmodeledWrench()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setStateUnmodeledWrench ( const Vector6 ,
bool  resetCovariance = true 

Set the State Unmodeled Wrench.

this modifies the current guess for external unmodeled Wrench. This is different from setAdditionalWrench() since it modifies a state component. This function is likely useful when initializing the estimation and reduce the convergence time

resetCovarianceset if the covariance should be reset

◆ setStateVector()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setStateVector ( const Vector newvalue,
bool  resetCovariance = true 

Set a value of the state x_k provided from another source.

can be used for initialization of the estimator

newvalueThe new value for the state vector
resetCovarianceset if the state covariance should be reset

◆ setUnmodeledWrenchInitCovMatDefault()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setUnmodeledWrenchInitCovMatDefault ( const Matrix6 initCovMat)

Set the default value for init Unmodeled Wrench covariance matrix.


◆ setUnmodeledWrenchProcessCovarianceDefault()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setUnmodeledWrenchProcessCovarianceDefault ( const Matrix6 covMat)

Set the default Unmodeled Wrench Process Covariance.

◆ setUnmodeledWrenchProcessCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setUnmodeledWrenchProcessCovMat ( const Matrix6 processCovMat)

Set the Unmodeled Wrench Process Covariance Mattix.


◆ setUnmodeledWrenchStateCovMat()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setUnmodeledWrenchStateCovMat ( const Matrix6 newCovMat)

Set the Unmodeled Wrench State Cov Mat.


◆ setWithAccelerationEstimation()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setWithAccelerationEstimation ( bool  b = true)

Sets if the estimation computes also the accelerations.

This will not modify the estimated value, but just compute the modeled acceleration, which gives a model-based filtered acceleration


◆ setWithGyroBias()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setWithGyroBias ( bool  b = true)

Set if the gyrometers bias is computed or not. This parameter is global for all the IMUs.


◆ setWithUnmodeledWrench()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setWithUnmodeledWrench ( bool  b = true)

Set if the unmodeled and unmeasured external wrench should be estimated.

Activating this estimation will assume that the contact exists therefore, it is likely to modify the value of the estimated state. The estimation will also be slower.


◆ setWorldCentroidStateKinematics() [1/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setWorldCentroidStateKinematics ( const Kinematics kine,
bool  resetCovariance = true 

Set the State Kinematics.

Sets a value for the kinematics part of the state

localKineare the new kinematics of the state
resetContactWrenchesset if the contact wrenches should be reset
resetCovarianceset if the covariance of the state should be reset

◆ setWorldCentroidStateKinematics() [2/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::setWorldCentroidStateKinematics ( const LocalKinematics localKine,
bool  resetContactWrenches = true,
bool  resetCovariance = true 

Set the State Kinematics.

Sets a value for the kinematics part of the state

localKineare the new local kinematics of the state
resetContactWrenchesset if the contact wrenches should be reset
resetCovarianceset if the covariance of the state should be reset

◆ startNewIteration_()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::startNewIteration_ ( )

function to call before adding any measurement detects if there is a new estimation beginning and then calls the reset of the iteration

◆ stateDifference() [1/2]

Vector stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateDifference ( const Vector stateVector1,
const Vector stateVector2 

the difference operator for the state statevector1 ⊖ statevector2

it amounts at a time derivation betweeen state vectors with a time step of one second. Therefore the result is a tangent vector

stateVector1Operator 1
stateVector2Operator 2

◆ stateDifference() [2/2]

virtual void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateDifference ( const Vector stateVector1,
const Vector stateVector2,
Vector difference 

the difference operator for the state statevector1 ⊖ statevector2 This version prevents a nwe vector allocation

it amounts at a time derivation betweeen state vectors with a time step of one second. Therefore the result is a tangent vector

stateVector1Operator 1
stateVector2Operator 2
differenceThe result

Reimplemented from stateObservation::StateVectorArithmetics.

◆ stateDynamics()

virtual Vector stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateDynamics ( const Vector x,
const Vector u,
TimeIndex  k 

Applies the state-transition model to the given state vector using the given input to predict the future state.


xThe current state vector
uThe current input vector
kThe current time index

Implements stateObservation::DynamicalSystemFunctorBase.

◆ stateNaNCorrection_()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateNaNCorrection_ ( )

◆ stateSum() [1/2]

Vector stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateSum ( const Vector stateVector,
const Vector tangentVector 

the sum operator for the state vector

it amounts at a time-integration of the state vector using a tangent vector (constant for 1 second)

stateVectorThe state vector
tangentVectorThe tangent Vector

◆ stateSum() [2/2]

virtual void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateSum ( const Vector stateVector,
const Vector tangentVector,
Vector sum 

the sum operator for the state vector This version does not allocate a new vector

it amounts at a time-integration of the state vector using a tangent vector (constant for 1 second)

stateVectorThe state vector
tangentVectorThe tangent Vector
sumThe result of the operation

Reimplemented from stateObservation::StateVectorArithmetics.

◆ unmodeledForceIndex()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::unmodeledForceIndex ( ) const

Get the unmodeled external linear force index of the state vector.


◆ unmodeledForceIndexTangent()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::unmodeledForceIndexTangent ( ) const

Get the unmodeled external linear force index of the tangent state vector.


◆ unmodeledTorqueIndex()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::unmodeledTorqueIndex ( ) const

Get the unmodeled external torque force index of the state vector.


◆ unmodeledTorqueIndexTangent()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::unmodeledTorqueIndexTangent ( ) const

Get the unmodeled external torque force index of the tangent state vector.


◆ unmodeledWrenchIndex()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::unmodeledWrenchIndex ( ) const

Get the unmodeled external wrench index of the state vector.


◆ unmodeledWrenchIndexTangent()

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::unmodeledWrenchIndexTangent ( ) const

Get the unmodeled external wrench index of the tangent state vector.


◆ update()

const Vector& stateObservation::KineticsObserver::update ( )

Runs the estimation.

This is the function that allows to 1- compute the estimation 2- move to the next iteration (increments time, resets the measurements, etc)

const Vector& The state vector

◆ updateContactWithNoSensor()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::updateContactWithNoSensor ( const Kinematics localKine,
unsigned  contactNumber 

Update the contact when it is NOT equipped with wrench sensor.

localKinethe new kinematics of the contact expressed in the centroid's frame frame the best is to provide the position, the orientation, the angular and the linear velocities. Otherwise they will be computed automatically
contactNumberThe number id of the contact

◆ updateContactWithWrenchSensor() [1/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::updateContactWithWrenchSensor ( const Vector6 wrenchMeasurement,
const Kinematics localKine,
unsigned  contactNumber 

Update the contact when it is equipped with wrench sensor.

wrenchMeasurementwrenchMeasurement is the measurment vector composed with 3D forces and 3D torques
localKinethe new kinematics of the contact expressed in the centroid's frame frame the best is to provide the position, the orientation, the angular and the linear velocities. Otherwise they will be computed automatically
contactNumberThe number id of the contact

◆ updateContactWithWrenchSensor() [2/2]

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::updateContactWithWrenchSensor ( const Vector6 wrenchMeasurement,
const Matrix6 wrenchCovMatrix,
const Kinematics localKine,
unsigned  contactNumber 

Update the contact when it is equipped with wrench sensor.

This version sets the Covariance matrix explicitely.

wrenchCovMatrixThe covariance matrix of the wrench measurement
wrenchMeasurementwrenchMeasurement is the measurment vector composed with 3D forces and 3D torques
localKinethe new kinematics of the contact expressed in the centroid's frame frame the best is to provide the position, the orientation, the angular and the linear velocities. Otherwise they will be computed automatically
contactNumberThe number id of the contact

◆ updateGlobalKine_()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::updateGlobalKine_ ( )

updates the global kinematics of the centroid from the local ones, that can be more interpretable

◆ updateLocalKineAndContacts_()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::updateLocalKineAndContacts_ ( )

update of the state kinematics worldCentroidStateKinematics_ and of the contacts pose with the newly estimated state

◆ updateMeasurements()

void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::updateMeasurements ( )

Updates the measurements.

Updates the measurement sensors and the associated vectors and covariance matrices

◆ useFiniteDifferencesJacobians()

virtual void stateObservation::KineticsObserver::useFiniteDifferencesJacobians ( bool  b = true)

Define if we use dinite differences Jacobian or analytic.

btrue means we use finite differences

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ testAccelerationsJacobians

int testAccelerationsJacobians ( KineticsObserver ko,
int  errcode,
double  relativeErrorThreshold,
double  threshold 

Comparison between the Jacobians of the linear and angular accelerations with respect to the state, obtained with finite differences and analyticially.

◆ testAnalyticalAJacobianVsFD

int testAnalyticalAJacobianVsFD ( KineticsObserver ko,
int  errcode,
double  relativeErrorThreshold,
double  threshold 

Comparison between the analytical Jacobian matrix A and the one obtained by finite differences. Used to test the analytical method.

thresholdThreshold on the relative error between both Jacobians (in percentage)

◆ testAnalyticalCJacobianVsFD

int testAnalyticalCJacobianVsFD ( KineticsObserver ko,
int  errcode,
double  relativeErrorThreshold,
double  threshold 

◆ testOrientationsJacobians

int testOrientationsJacobians ( KineticsObserver ko,
int  errcode,
double  relativeErrorThreshold,
double  threshold 

Comparison between the Jacobians of orientation integration with respect to an increment vector delta, obtained with finite differences and analyticially.

Member Data Documentation

◆ absOriSensor_

AbsoluteOriSensor stateObservation::KineticsObserver::absOriSensor_

◆ absOriSensorCovMatDefault_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::absOriSensorCovMatDefault_

◆ absPoseSensor_

AbsolutePoseSensor stateObservation::KineticsObserver::absPoseSensor_

◆ absPoseSensorCovMatDefault_

Matrix6 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::absPoseSensorCovMatDefault_

◆ acceleroCovMatDefault_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::acceleroCovMatDefault_

◆ acceleroVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::acceleroVarianceDefault

◆ additionalForce_

Vector3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::additionalForce_

◆ additionalTorque_

Vector3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::additionalTorque_

◆ angularDampingDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::angularDampingDefault

◆ angularDampingMatDefault_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::angularDampingMatDefault_

◆ angularStiffnessDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::angularStiffnessDefault

◆ angularStiffnessMatDefault_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::angularStiffnessMatDefault_

◆ com_

IndexedVector3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::com_

◆ comd_

IndexedVector3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::comd_

◆ comdd_

IndexedVector3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::comdd_

◆ contactForceInitVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactForceInitVarianceDefault

◆ contactForceProcessCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactForceProcessCovMat_

◆ contactForceProcessVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactForceProcessVarianceDefault

◆ contactInitCovMatDefault_

Matrix12 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactInitCovMatDefault_

◆ contactOrientationProcessCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactOrientationProcessCovMat_

◆ contactOrientationProcessVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactOrientationProcessVarianceDefault

◆ contactPositionProcessCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactPositionProcessCovMat_

◆ contactPositionProcessVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactPositionProcessVarianceDefault

◆ contactProcessCovMatDefault_

Matrix12 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactProcessCovMatDefault_

◆ contacts_

VectorContact stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contacts_

◆ contactTorqueInitVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactTorqueInitVarianceDefault

◆ contactTorqueProcessCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactTorqueProcessCovMat_

◆ contactTorqueProcessVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactTorqueProcessVarianceDefault

◆ contactWrenchSensorCovMatDefault_

Matrix6 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::contactWrenchSensorCovMatDefault_

◆ currentIMUSensorNumber_

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::currentIMUSensorNumber_

◆ defaultdx

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::defaultdx

default derivation steps

◆ defaultMass

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::defaultMass

◆ dt_

double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::dt_

◆ ekf_

stateObservation::ExtendedKalmanFilter stateObservation::KineticsObserver::ekf_

◆ finiteDifferencesJacobians_

bool stateObservation::KineticsObserver::finiteDifferencesJacobians_

◆ flagsContactKine

constexpr Kinematics::Flags::Byte stateObservation::KineticsObserver::flagsContactKine
Initial value:
Kinematics::Flags::position | Kinematics::Flags::orientation

◆ flagsIMUKine

constexpr Kinematics::Flags::Byte stateObservation::KineticsObserver::flagsIMUKine
Initial value:
Kinematics::Flags::position | Kinematics::Flags::orientation | Kinematics::Flags::linVel
| Kinematics::Flags::angVel | Kinematics::Flags::linAcc | Kinematics::Flags::angAcc

◆ flagsPoseKine

constexpr Kinematics::Flags::Byte stateObservation::KineticsObserver::flagsPoseKine
Initial value:
Kinematics::Flags::position | Kinematics::Flags::orientation

◆ flagsPosKine

constexpr Kinematics::Flags::Byte stateObservation::KineticsObserver::flagsPosKine = Kinematics::Flags::position

◆ flagsStateKine

constexpr Kinematics::Flags::Byte stateObservation::KineticsObserver::flagsStateKine
Initial value:
Kinematics::Flags::position | Kinematics::Flags::orientation | Kinematics::Flags::linVel
| Kinematics::Flags::angVel

◆ forceSensorVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::forceSensorVarianceDefault

◆ gyroBiasInitCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::gyroBiasInitCovMat_

◆ gyroBiasInitVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::gyroBiasInitVarianceDefault

◆ gyroBiasProcessCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::gyroBiasProcessCovMat_

◆ gyroBiasProcessVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::gyroBiasProcessVarianceDefault

◆ gyroCovMatDefault_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::gyroCovMatDefault_

◆ gyroVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::gyroVarianceDefault

◆ I_

IndexedMatrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::I_

◆ Id_

IndexedMatrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::Id_

◆ imuSensors_

VectorIMU stateObservation::KineticsObserver::imuSensors_

◆ initTotalCentroidForce_

Vector3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::initTotalCentroidForce_

◆ initTotalCentroidTorque_

Vector3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::initTotalCentroidTorque_

◆ k_data_

TimeIndex stateObservation::KineticsObserver::k_data_

◆ k_est_

TimeIndex stateObservation::KineticsObserver::k_est_

◆ linearDampingDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::linearDampingDefault

◆ linearDampingMatDefault_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::linearDampingMatDefault_

◆ linearStiffnessDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::linearStiffnessDefault

◆ linearStiffnessMatDefault_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::linearStiffnessMatDefault_

Default Stiffness and damping.

◆ mass_

double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::mass_

◆ maxContacts_

unsigned stateObservation::KineticsObserver::maxContacts_

◆ maxImuNumber_

unsigned stateObservation::KineticsObserver::maxImuNumber_

◆ measurementCovMatrix_

Matrix stateObservation::KineticsObserver::measurementCovMatrix_

◆ measurementNoise_

NoiseBase* stateObservation::KineticsObserver::measurementNoise_

◆ measurementSize_

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::measurementSize_

◆ measurementTangentSize_

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::measurementTangentSize_

◆ measurementVector_

Vector stateObservation::KineticsObserver::measurementVector_

◆ nanDetected_

bool stateObservation::KineticsObserver::nanDetected_ = false

◆ numberOfContactRealSensors_

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::numberOfContactRealSensors_

◆ oldWorldCentroidStateVector_

Vector stateObservation::KineticsObserver::oldWorldCentroidStateVector_

◆ opt_

struct stateObservation::KineticsObserver::Opt stateObservation::KineticsObserver::opt_

◆ orientationSensorVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::orientationSensorVarianceDefault

◆ positionSensorVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::positionSensorVarianceDefault

◆ processNoise_

NoiseBase* stateObservation::KineticsObserver::processNoise_

◆ sigma_

IndexedVector3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sigma_

◆ sigmad_

IndexedVector3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sigmad_

◆ sizeAcceleroSignal

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeAcceleroSignal = 3

◆ sizeAngVel

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeAngVel = sizeOriTangent

◆ sizeAngVelTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeAngVelTangent = sizeAngVel

◆ sizeContact

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeContact = sizeContactKine + sizeWrench

◆ sizeContactKine

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeContactKine = sizePose

◆ sizeContactKineTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeContactKineTangent = sizePoseTangent

◆ sizeContactTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeContactTangent = sizeContactKineTangent + sizeWrench

◆ sizeForce

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeForce = 3

◆ sizeForceTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeForceTangent = sizeForce

◆ sizeGyroBias

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeGyroBias = sizeGyroSignal

◆ sizeGyroBiasTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeGyroBiasTangent = sizeGyroBias

◆ sizeGyroSignal

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeGyroSignal = 3

◆ sizeIMUSignal

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeIMUSignal = sizeAcceleroSignal + sizeGyroSignal

◆ sizeLinAccTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeLinAccTangent = sizeLinVelTangent

◆ sizeLinVel

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeLinVel = sizePos

◆ sizeLinVelTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeLinVelTangent = sizeLinVel

◆ sizeOri

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeOri = 4

◆ sizeOriTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeOriTangent = 3

◆ sizePos

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizePos = 3

◆ sizePose

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizePose = sizePos + sizeOri

◆ sizePoseTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizePoseTangent = sizePos + sizeOriTangent

◆ sizePosTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizePosTangent = 3

◆ sizeStateBase

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeStateBase = sizeStateKine + sizeForce + sizeTorque

◆ sizeStateKine

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeStateKine = sizePos + sizeOri + sizeLinVel + sizeAngVel

◆ sizeStateKineTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeStateKineTangent = sizePos + sizeOriTangent + sizeLinVel + sizeAngVel

◆ sizeStateTangentBase

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeStateTangentBase = sizeStateKineTangent + sizeForce + sizeTorque

◆ sizeTorque

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeTorque = 3

◆ sizeTorqueTangent

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeTorqueTangent = sizeTorque

◆ sizeWrench

constexpr Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::sizeWrench = sizeForce + sizeTorque

◆ stateAngVelInitCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateAngVelInitCovMat_

◆ stateAngVelInitVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateAngVelInitVarianceDefault

◆ stateAngVelProcessCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateAngVelProcessCovMat_

◆ stateAngVelProcessVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateAngVelProcessVarianceDefault

◆ stateKinematicsInitCovMat_

Matrix12 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateKinematicsInitCovMat_

◆ stateKinematicsProcessCovMat_

Matrix12 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateKinematicsProcessCovMat_

◆ stateLinVelInitCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateLinVelInitCovMat_

◆ stateLinVelInitVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateLinVelInitVarianceDefault

◆ stateLinVelProcessCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateLinVelProcessCovMat_

◆ stateLinVelProcessVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateLinVelProcessVarianceDefault

◆ stateOriInitCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateOriInitCovMat_

◆ stateOriInitVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateOriInitVarianceDefault

◆ stateOriProcessCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateOriProcessCovMat_

◆ stateOriProcessVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateOriProcessVarianceDefault

◆ statePoseInitVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::statePoseInitVarianceDefault

◆ statePoseProcessVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::statePoseProcessVarianceDefault

◆ statePosInitCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::statePosInitCovMat_

◆ statePosProcessCovMat_

Matrix3 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::statePosProcessCovMat_

◆ stateSize_

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateSize_

◆ stateTangentSize_

Index stateObservation::KineticsObserver::stateTangentSize_

◆ torqueSensorVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::torqueSensorVarianceDefault

◆ unmodeledWrenchInitCovMat_

Matrix6 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::unmodeledWrenchInitCovMat_

◆ unmodeledWrenchInitVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::unmodeledWrenchInitVarianceDefault

◆ unmodeledWrenchProcessCovMat_

Matrix6 stateObservation::KineticsObserver::unmodeledWrenchProcessCovMat_

◆ unmodeledWrenchProcessVarianceDefault

const double stateObservation::KineticsObserver::unmodeledWrenchProcessVarianceDefault

◆ withAccelerationEstimation_

bool stateObservation::KineticsObserver::withAccelerationEstimation_

◆ withGyroBias_

bool stateObservation::KineticsObserver::withGyroBias_

◆ withUnmodeledWrench_

bool stateObservation::KineticsObserver::withUnmodeledWrench_

◆ worldCentroidKinematics_

Kinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::worldCentroidKinematics_

◆ worldCentroidStateKinematics_

LocalKinematics stateObservation::KineticsObserver::worldCentroidStateKinematics_

◆ worldCentroidStateVector_

Vector stateObservation::KineticsObserver::worldCentroidStateVector_

◆ worldCentroidStateVectorDx_

Vector stateObservation::KineticsObserver::worldCentroidStateVectorDx_

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: