
Welcome to mc_rtc tutorials. You will hopefully find useful information on this page to get started with the framework and use it to its full extent.

mc_rtc is a super-set of the SpaceVecAlg, RBDyn and Tasks libraries which provides a friendlier and easier interface for the user. You can write your controller code either in C++ or Python. When applicable, examples will be provided in both languages.

The tutorials presented here assume some familiarity with the SpaceVecAlg and RBDyn libraries as well as a basic understanding of QP-based control such as implemented in Tasks. Unfamiliar users can refer to the SpaceVecAlg and RBDyn presentations and the SpaceVecAlg and RBDyn tutorials by Joris Vaillant.


The following tutorials will help you with the installation of the framework, learning to run controllers in the interface of your choice and start programming your own controllers.

Framework tools

These tutorials introduce useful tools developed around mc_rtc


This section explains the sample controllers