FSM controller in practice

In this tutorial, we will re-implement the controller we implemented in the multi-robot controller tutorial using only the FSM configuration. In this tutorial, we will walk you through every step needed to reproduce the DoorSample controller provided along with the framework from scratch.

Setting up the FSM

We will use mc_rtc_new_fsm_controller provided by mc_rtc to setup a new FSM controller project:

$ mc_rtc_new_fsm_controller --help
usage: mc_rtc_new_fsm_controller [-h]
                             [project directory] [controller class name]
                             [[controller name]]

Create a new mc_rtc Controller project

positional arguments:
  [project directory]   Path of the project
  [controller class name]
                        Name of the controller class
  [controller name]     Name of the controller, defaults to controller class

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Note: this tool requires Git for Python which is available as python-git in Debian-like systems and GitPython in pip

In this tutorial we will create a tutorial controller named MyFirstFSMController, so we can use the following command:

$ mc_rtc_new_fsm_controller my_first_fsm_controller MyFirstFSMController

Going into the newly created my_first_fsm_controller folder we can see some files have been automatically generated:

A minimal CMake file to build your controller
Your controller's FSM configuration file.
Describe the source files required to build your controller
Declaration to make sure your controller will be loadable on all platforms
Declare your controller class. It must inherits from mc_control::fsm::Controller and override at least the run function and the reset function
Implement your controller. We will go over this in more details in the next sections
Defines the controller's states (C++ or YAML)
Builds and exports the controller's states
Declaration of a new C++ state
Implementation for the state. In this tutorial, it'll consist of a simple state that adds a button to trigger the "Open Door" transition
Additional YAML configuration for the FSM states. You may declare states by adding them to YAML/JSON files in this folder.

Building the controller

This is done using CMake and your usual tool to run CMake, build the code and install it. Typically, on Linux/MacOS:

$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
# This build type provides good performance with debuggable code
$ cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
$ make
$ sudo make install

Note: sudo is only required if mc_rtc is installed in a privileged directory

Running the controller

Modify your mc_rtc configuration file so that we use the JVRC1 robot and our newly installed controller:

MainRobot: JVRC1
Enabled: MyFirstFSMController

Then run your controller as explained in Running a controller section. Congratulations, you just built and and ran your first FSM controller!

$ roslaunch mc_rtc_ticker display.launch
$ rosrun mc_rtc_ticker mc_rtc_ticker

Upcoming description...

Use the mc-rtc/new-fsm-controller template project. This is equivalent to using the mc_rtc_new_fsm_controller tool with extra goodies.

You should now see the JVRC1 robot standing in RVIZ. Let’s now see how to re-implement the multi-robot controller tutorial using the FSM features. For this, you will need to edit your FSM configuration etc/MyFirstFSMController.yaml.

Loading the additional robots

First we need to declare which robots will be used in this controller in addition to the main robot. By default the framework provides many robots and environments, which can be conveniently loaded with robot aliases. These provide a short name for each robot, and provides mc_rtc with the necessary information for loading then (path to the robot description package, etc). Start the controller to see a full list of available robot aliases. Alternatively, you can look into /usr/local/lib/mc_robots/aliases/. For the purposes of this controller, we need a fixed planar surface to represent the ground provided as env/ground, and an articulated robot to represent the door with its handle provided as env/door. Refer to the environment creation tutorial for details on how to create your own environment.

    module: env/ground
    module: env/door
      translation: [0.70, 0.5, 0.0]
      rotation: [0.0, 0.0, 1.57]

Adding global contacts and constraints


Constraints can be added globally to the FSM. Please refer to the ConstraintSet JSON Schema documentation for a full list of available constraints provided with the framework. Note that you can also declare your own constraints and load them here.

- type: contact
- type: dynamics
  damper: [0.1, 0.01, 0.5]
- type: compoundJoint

Here we declare three constraints:

  • contact: Adds an mc_solver::ContactConstraint, responsible for keeping the contact position fixed, and ensures that the generated forces are within friction cone constraints (in dynamics only).
  • dynamics: Adds a mc_solver::DynamicsConstraint: ensures kinematic constraints, joint limit constraints, and computes the joint torques.
  • compoundJoint: Adds a mc_solver::CompoundJointConstraint: handle joint limits for joint that depend on each other (e.g the ankle joint limits in the roll direction depend on the current yaw angle)


Now let’s see how to add an initial set of contacts to the controller. Note that contacts can later be added/removed by the states. The contacts element contains an array of Contact which describe the contact properties to add to the contact constraint defined above.

# Initial set of contacts
- r1: jvrc1
  r1Surface: LeftFoot
  r2: ground
  r2Surface: AllGround
- r1: jvrc1
  r1Surface: RightFoot
  r2: ground
  r2Surface: AllGround

With this, the left and right foot surfaces are now considered in contact with the ground plane. The feet surfaces are constrained not to move, and the forces generated by the QP must remain within the linearized friction cone constraints.


Let’s now see how to add an initial set of collisions. As is the case for the contacts, those may later be added/removed by the states. The collisions element contains an array of CollisionConstraint objects. For the MainRobot, a default list of self-collisions is defined in the mc_rbdyn::RobotModule and may be used here.

# Collision constraint
- type: collision
  useMinimal: true  # The set of minimal self-collisions is defined in the robot module
- type: collision
  r1: jvrc1
  r2: door
  collisions: # array of collisions to add for this pair of robots
    - body1: L_WRIST_Y_S
      body2: door
      iDist: 0.5  # interaction distance: minimal distance below which the constraint becomes active
      sDist: 0.02 # safety distance: minimal allowed distance
      damping: 0.0

Creating the FSM states

In this section, we will see how to define the states required to open the door. Here we will take full advantage of the default C++ states provided with the framework, and show how using those, one may achieve rather complex behaviours without ever writing a single line of code! This controller uses the following (very common) states:

The states are declared within the states section of the configuration. Alternatively, one may also create a .yaml file in src/states/data containing the states declaration, which is particularly useful for larger FSMs.

We will create an FSM organized as follow:

  1. Door_Initial: A simple C++ state that adds a button to trigger the “Open Door” motion
  2. Door::OpenDoorFSM: A sub-fsm containing only the logic for moving the hand, opening the handle, and moving the door
  3. Door::Standing: A state responsible for adding a CoM task, and a regularisation task on the chest to keep it upright
  4. Door::OpenDoorDemo: States 2 and 3 are put in parallel such that the CoM/Chest target is handled simultaneously to the door opening motion.

We fully exploit the multi-robot aspect, and the door will be moved by establishing a contact between the hand and the handle, and controlling the joint-angle of the handle and door hinge. Due to the contact constraint, the QP will automatically generate the necessary motion required to achieve this motion.

Initial State: Adding a button to trigger a transition

This state aims at demonstrating a simple example of:

  1. How to create a C++ state
  2. How to add a GUI element within a state
  3. How to control the flow of transitions from within a state

This state is defined in src/states/Door_Initial.cpp and overrides the required virtual functions configure, start and run and teardown function (see the API documentation of mc_control::fsm::State). Here, we add a button to the GUI when the state starts. When clicked, this button is used to change the state of a boolean openDoor_, which is later used to trigger an “OpenDoor” transition. This is achieved by calling output("OpenDoor") and returning true in the bool Door_Initial::run function, which signifies that we consider the state to be completed and that the next transition can occur. Note that the the configuration of the transition map determines how this transition occurs (see mc_control::fsm::TransitionMap).

#include <mc_control/fsm/Controller.h>

#include "Door_Initial.h"

void Door_Initial::configure(const mc_rtc::Configuration &) {}

void Door_Initial::start(mc_control::fsm::Controller & ctl)
  ctl.gui()->addElement({}, mc_rtc::gui::Button("Open door", [this]() { openDoor_ = true; }));

bool Door_Initial::run(mc_control::fsm::Controller &)
    return true;
  return false;

void Door_Initial::teardown(mc_control::fsm::Controller &) {}

EXPORT_SINGLE_STATE("Door_Initial", Door_Initial)

The EXPORT_SINGLE_STATE macro is used to declare the loading symbols used by mc_rtc to load the state from library. The name "Door_Initial" provided here is used to identify this state within the FSM.

Note that here this state is very simplistic on purpose. In practice, states typically perform more complex actions, such as adding tasks and handling their targets, reading data from planners, monitoring the state of the robot and triggering transitions, etc. Examples of such states are the MetaTasks, Parallel, Meta and Posture tasks used within this example.

FSM for opening the door

Opening the door is achieved by a state executing its own sub-fsm, responsible for handling the hand’s motion towards the door handle, establishing contact with it, and then turning the handle and door hinge to open it.

First, let’s see what the transition map for this state looks like:

  base: Meta
    - [Door_Initial, OpenDoor, Door::ReachHandle, Auto]
    - [Door::ReachHandle, OK, Door::MoveHandle, Auto]
    - [Door::MoveHandle, OK, Door::OpenDoor, Auto]

The Door_Initial C++ state described above will trigger the OpenDoor transition when the user clicks on the GUI button. The FSM will then move to the next state Door::ReachHandle:

  base: MetaTasks
      type: surfaceTransform
      surface: RightGripper
      weight: 1000
      stiffness: 5
      # Target relative to the door's handle surface
        robot: door
        surface: Handle
        offset_translation: [0, 0, -0.025]
        offset_rotation: [0, 0, 0]
          - eval: 0.05
          - speed: 1e-4

This state uses the mc_control::fsm::MetaTasksState C++ state provided with the framework to load a set of tasks from their YAML description. Here, we load a task of type surfaceTransform (YAML Documentation) that we name RightHandTrajectory. This creates and adds an mc_tasks::SurfaceTransformTask to the solver, and configures it with a target defined w.r.t the door’s handle surface. The completion element creates a mc_control::CompletionCriteria, which builds a logic function that checks whether the task’s execution is considered completed. The MetaTasks state will output "OK" (by default) when the task’s completion criteria is fulfilled.

The OpenDoorFSM can thus move to its next transition: [Door::ReachHandle, OK, Door::MoveHandle, Auto]

  base: Posture
  robot: door
    eval: 0.01
    weight: 100
      - jointName: handle
        stiffness: 50
      handle: [-1.0]
  - r1: jvrc1
    r1Surface: RightGripper
    r2: door
    r2Surface: Handle

This state is based on the mc_control::fsm::PostureState (JSON documentation) whose role is to change gains and targets of the global posture task, automatically added to each robot by the framework. First, a contact between the robot’s RightGripper and the door’s Handle surfaces is established which prevents the QP from moving these surfaces relative to each other, and adds friction cone constraints to compute the dynamical forces involved in the robot-door interaction. Thus, when the handle joint rotates so does the JVRC1 robot.

Once this state completes, we can move to the next transition: [Door::MoveHandle, OK, Door::OpenDoor, Auto]. This next state is very similar to the previous one: it changes the target joint angle of the door’s hinges to make the robot open it. Note how this state inherits from the previous one (base: Door::MoveHandle), and only redefines the new targets.

  base: Door::MoveHandle
      - jointName: handle
        stiffness: 50
      - jointName: door
        stiffness: 50
      handle: [-1.0]
      door: [-0.3]

As-is, this FSM only concerns itself with the door opening motion. However, it does not handle the robot’s balance. Here, we will simply center the CoM above the left and right foot. This is achieved by putting the Door::Standing state in parallel with the Door::OpenDoorFSM described above. Strictly speaking these states are executed one after the other at every timestep.

  base: Parallel
  states: [Door::Standing, Door::OpenDoorFSM]

with the standing state defined as:

  base: MetaTasks
      type: com
      above: [LeftFoot, RightFoot]
      weight: 2000
      stiffness: 5
      type: orientation
      body: WAIST_R_S
      weight: 100
      stiffness: 1

The full sources for this tutorial are available here.


In this tutorial, we have seen how to create an FSM from scratch, and achieve a rather complex multi-robot motion by relying on the main FSM states provided by the framework, along with the multi-robot aspect of task-space control. It is important to note that one is not restricted to the YAML features used here, and that you can easily write your own states to define and abstract more complex behaviours.

See also: